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What Won’t They Think of Next?


My wife and I have been on the road for awhile with a couple of stops along the way.  We drove from San Antonio, TX to Charlotte, NC and spent a few days.  Then, it was off to Virginia Beach, VA on an errand of mercy for our middle daughter.  Since I’ve been travelling, I haven’t been cooking or playing with recipes, so I thought I would share a couple of thoughts I had along the way.  Hopefully, there will be a smile or two as well, as I need some today myself.

From San Antonio, we chose to use I-10 to Mobile, Alabama, where we merged with I-65 North.  It was on that stretch in Alabama that we stopped for gasoline and I saw this sign on a door to the convenience store at our stop.

pullup your pants2

First, I’ll apologize for the poor picture.  I felt I had to take it from long range lest the proprietor take umbrage with my liberty.  “Hey there, fellow, you ain’t gonna make trouble fer me, gimme that camera!”  I visualized a mean-looking character, so I kept my distance.

Then, I wondered, are there a lot of plumbers that frequent this establishment?  If that were the case, I was all for keeping those pants pulled up.  It also dawned on me that this particular store must not see many customers of the female variety … or maybe they get too many?  This “orientation” stuff has me so confused …

No, I decided that the ownership of this convenience store was “Pants Profiling” some of his or her customers.  Even so, I fully understand that we humans think we know what everyone else ought to be doing, as if we even know what we are doing.  I love the Kieth Urban song lyrics:  “If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it by now!”

There’s a fellow in Panama that I have met that closes all of his emails with, “Be Blessed …We live in an abundant universe”.   I might add, this universe allows each of us to make all of the mistakes and act as stupidly as we like.  If a patron wants to wear baggy jeans down to the hips, so long as it isn’t hanging out slowing sales at the register, why the judgement?  

I guess it’s my advanced age that has brought me to the understanding that one can avoid stomach ulcers by accepting folks for who they are … I know I sure hope they do likewise to me.

Leaving Charlotte, we headed toward Virginia Beach.  We finally crossed the border into Virginia, which is For Lovers as we all know, with several miles to go to reach our destination.  Soon after reaching the State line, we approached a Rest Area.  You know, Rest Areas.  Those plazas on the Interstate where one can do and experience all manner of useful amenities operated by the host State.  “Errr, wait a minute”, I thought.  My eyes locked on the sign as shown above.  I thought, “The Geico gecko is sponsoring our Rest Area!”  For the record, he was nowhere to be found, but I do think I heard an English accent somewhere close by.

As far as I can tell, Virginia is the only State practicing Capitalism to this degree … of course, that makes it the First, as well.  No, I do not think they are changing their State slogan to “Capitalism is for Lovers”.   I think Nevada has already claimed that one.  Anyway, I’d say the little lizard made a great deal.  There are 40+ Rest Areas in Virginia and the cost for all those signs with the cute picture of our favorite reptile, plus the advertising is in the $2 million per year bracket.  And, I must say, it is very cleaver of the State government to find such a creative source of funds!

It put me to thinking.  Perhaps you and I might sell naming rights and advertising to applicable national corporations.  At my house, the Workshop could certainly qualify as the “Black & Decker” Center.  Perhaps Scotts Fertilizer would sponsor my yard.  I’m negotiating hard on that one, though.  If they refuse to cover the cost for the neighbor kid mowing our yard, I’m looking for another sponsor!

After all, you have to be careful about where you get your fertilizer, you know.

Credits:  Thanks to The Richmond Daily Dispatch for the Geico picture.

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