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Persian Rice Prep

Sort of a cookbook for the soul, “Cook Live Learn” is a book with the goals of teaching common-sense cooking skills and the sharing of life lessons from the perspective of an old guy, in particular, Dennis Killebrew.  There are two strongly held beliefs that have prompted Mr. Killebrew to write the book and create this web site to support it:

1.  “How to” cook books, even the most popular and thickest, fall short of explaining how to cook proficiently  For example, he feels that it is not enough to simply direct you to “chop fresh parsley finely” or “saute until done”.  How in the world do you actually finely chop parsley anyway?   And, how do you know when something you have never seen before is done?  The book “Cook Live Learn” takes nothing for granted!

2.  The American society just doesn’t value old people much.  Some cultures do, where the elders are treated with extra respect and their hard earned wisdom is valued.  Yet, experience is the best teacher.  Why don’t we flock to those with the most and soak up what they have learned, much of it the hard way?

And so, “Cook Live Learn”, the web site and the book, are here to help you set the table for one of the human animal’s most pleasurable and social activities, that of eating good food together. In that  learning process, you will be given the opportunity to consider some of the lessons life will teach you … the easy way.

Dig in!

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