Ariel Gets a New Chair

Ariel Old Chair

For the last several months, a group of folks here in Boquete, Panama have been working to provide a motorized wheelchair for a young man named Ariel.  With the help of the good people at Hope for the City (now at and a Panamanian Foundation (Amigos de Boquete), a chair was located and shipped to Panama.

My part in this heart-warming story is small and I am honored to have been involved at all.  Really, the star of this show is Ariel, a young man with a bright future that found himself paralyzed after a crippling car accident.  He had dreamed dreams of his future and loved life.  Ariel still does, even after the tragedy that changed his so dramatically and instantly.

Take a look and be prepared to have your heart warmed and to be overtaken by an urge to count your many blessings.



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